Tuesday, March 25, 2008

....and the first post is about poop

Welcome to the show folks! First order of business - make sure the baby is pooping.

5 (or 6?) days came and went without a single poop from Caleb. See, when you have a new baby - especially the FIRST time - you pay attention to absolutely everything. Pooping and peeing are especially important, because if food is going in and not coming out, well....it's just a matter of time, and meanwhile you have to figure out what the hold up is.

So the doc recommended plugging a little apple juice into the system, mixing it in there to see what would happen. It took about 18-20 hours but finally - POOP!

I never thought I would be so excited about pooping (well, maybe deep down inside, I knew this day was coming) but it was a huge relief honestly. It meant NO SURGERY.

The crying is a little annoying...he seems to insist upon being held constantly sometimes. It's not such a bad thing, because he's fun to hold, but sometimes you have to do other things and he'll eventually start getting upset.

First Easter with Caleb was fun! Got to do some egg hunting with Caleb in the Baby Bjorn strapped to my gut/chest. He really seemed to enjoy it...I was running around and he was moving around but for the most part, he just fell asleep and stayed asleep for a while. Awesome.

Hilary's parents gave a nice "Easter" gift of a swing. He didn't really take to it at first, but upon subsequent visits to the swing, he was a little more relaxed. It swings kind of fast, actually...almost seems like it could sling the guy outta there pretty easily. It has music that it can play, too. I don't really know if that helps him relax or keeps him awake, but we turn it up at different times for both sleeping and waking.
