Well, as you can probably see (click image to enlarge), Caleb's getting all his toofies in. You can normally tell when another one starts to push in because he is really irritable. Not entirely sure about the count at the moment, but it's somewhere between 6 and 10 teeth (including one that was just under the surface a few days ago).
We've cut back on the outdoor activities with the arrival of cool weather. Hilary is a real mom though...if I take Caleb outside for more than 30 seconds and there is the slightest chill in the air, he has to get all bundled up.
That picture above was one of a series of pics from a recent trip to the park down the street. A lot of people thought we took some trip up to the mountains because of the scenery and the lookout...but nope, we really do live north of the city here in Dacula. Nice park, too. We've been there a bunch of times (most of the trips being before Caleb was born, back when Jingles was the star of the show). It's nice to just park, walk around about a mile or so and then drive back or sit on bench/swing for a little bit.
Christmas is going to be a complete toy BLOWOUT for Caleb. Santa Claus (ME!!! Can you BELIEVE it?) is going to be bringing quite a few things here, and if I had to take a guess, there will probably be another couple of items coming from the grandparents. Caleb will have no shortage of playtime materials!
And no "baby's first Christmas" is complete without a visit to see Santa! We went to the mall the other day before the evening rush and had zero waiting time to see Santa. Caleb talked about all the stuff he wants (no, not really...he's advanced, of course, but not that advanced). He was really good, he smiled at Santa when he saw him, and was very excited, but got really calm when they took the picture. Still good though...I was expecting a full screaming fit when we plopped him in the old man's lap and walked away from him.
More to come soon (including Santa pictures). Stay tuned!