Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As I am always happy to report, Caleb sleeps all the way through the night (sometimes stirring once or twice, but back to sleep quickly), and has done so since the end of May.

That is huge. However, as with most things in life, the bitter and the sweet mix with one another. One of the side effects of Caleb sleeping through the night is that his diaper is F-U-L-L of pee when he gets up in the morning. It's understandable...he has a 7 oz bottle around 9pm and doesn't have his diaper changed until about 11-12 hours later. Not a big deal for the most part. It's kind of fun to take the diaper and drop it on the floor to a reassuring "THUD" each morning. I feel like we're really getting a good value when the diaper is filled almost to overflowing.

The problem comes in when it overflows. This happens about 1 out of every 2 or 3 mornings, meaning that Caleb's pajamas are a little wet. The good news is that he doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all, doesn't seem to mind it. I like to think my child is growing up to be a real man's man, not whining and moaning about every trivial inconvenience, or something as trivial as being soaked in your own waste (just like Billy Madison said, "it's cool to pee your pants!")

Anyway, I'm ready for suggestions, otherwise it'll be Mr. Pee Pants every morning for the foreseeable future.


twirldawg said...

Sadly, I have no good suggestions other than to make sure that you don't get cheap diapers that come undone in the middle of the night. . .

Mom said she saw Caleb at Scarlette's baptisim and that he's adorable and looks just like you.

Abby said...

Huggies Overnites! Best advice I could ever give anyone. I meant to give Hilary a sample when she was over cause we were talking about the same thing, but I forgot.

The only place I have been able to find them in Size 3 is on or at the Kroger near us.

They've got this like rock-hard super-absorbent strip at the top that keeps it all in the diaper...

Liam started soaking his PJ's during the night when we were at the beach, so I ordered them online and haven't gone without them since!